公墓大门 Cemetery Gates (2006)

公墓大门 Cemetery Gates (2006)封面图

公墓大门 Cemetery Gates (2006)演员资料:

主演:Reggie Bannister Peter Stickles Aime Wolf
导演:Roy Knyrim


公墓大门 Cemetery Gates (2006)剧情图解:



我绝对不喜欢的电影。首先,令人作呕的风景和道具。在某些场景中,真正的是的,例如所谓的血液用软管撞击到汽车的玻璃上,这是完全令人难以置信的 “塔斯马尼亚恶魔”看起来像是从边缘剧院的廉价尘土飞扬的稻草人。观众沉浸在电影的气氛中,难以置信地假装了一切。

这样,代理。与否不同,所有情绪都是人为的,看起来很可笑。这张图片绝对是失败的,角色的所有动作都很容易预测,并且直到最后看电影的愿望都没有发生。不要浪费 时间,看起来更好。

Environmental activists break into a laboratory and release the genetically mutated Tasmanian devil, which finds shelter in an old cemetery. And in gratitude for salvation, eat unsuspecting homo sapiens…

The film which I absolutely did not like. First, disgusting scenery and props. In some scenes it was really noticeable that, example, the so-called blood hits the glass of the car with a hose and it is completely implausible colors. “Tasmanian devil” looks like a cheap dusty Scarecrow from the theater on the edge. The viewer plunge into the atmosphere of the film, and incredibly fake everything looks.

Secondly, the acting. Like no, all emotions are artificial and look quite comical. This picture is an absolute failure, all the actions of the characters easily predicts and desire to watch the movie to the end does not occur. Don’t kill time on it, it look something better.







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